7 Ways to Grow a Beard Faster: The Ultimate Guide on How to Stimulate Facial Hair Growth Naturally2/4/2021 I guess every non-bearded or patchy bearded man has wondered about this question at least once in his lifetime:
“How to stimulate facial hair growth?” Is there really a way to grow a beard faster naturally?” After that, most men will go online and start searching for info about facial hair stimulation and beard growing tips… …And they will find the following types of articles;
Right off the bat I can guarantee you that there are research-proven ways to stimulate facial hair growth and even grow beard in the areas where you really can’t normally… …But I will also warn you that the effects are NOT instant, and will often take 6-12 months to really show significant difference. Fact is that you can’t completely overcome your genetics, but in 95% of non-bearded men, there is gigantic room for improvement in their natural facial hair growth ability. …Which led me to research actual scientific studies as well as reading every bit of anecdotal evidence from various online discussion boards to finally come up with proven ways to;
Before we get into the 10 ways to grow more facial hair naturally, you need to know how beard and mustache growth actually happens in men. Most people think that it’s the same as hair growth in the scalp area, but they couldn’t be more wrong. To understand human hair growth we have to go back in time. Back so much that we are still in womb… …As it’s the pregnancy week 22 (five months), when the fetus forms all of its hair follicles. This is when ALL of the ~5 million bodily hair follicles are generated and after this point, we will never generate new ones during the courses of our lives. So yes, as a 5 months old fetus, you already have the follicular structure to growing a full beard. Fast forward to childhood and at some point early in your life you will start growing hair on your scalp… …Then as the years roll by you will eventually hit puberty, and at this point your hormones will kick in and trigger the growth of pubic hair, leg hair, arm hair, chest hair, facial hair, etc. Except that for many men, there will be no facial hair or chest hair. Or if there is, it may not be anything significant. Why? The answer lies in our hormones and the activity of our androgen receptors in the hair follicles. Simply put, unlike scalp-hair, facial hair growth is purely androgenic, it is triggered and regulated by two male hormones; testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The former promotes beard thickness and follicle stimulation, whereas the latter increases linear growth actual facial hair growth density. This is the reason women can’t grow facial hair. They simply don’t have high enough levels of these two hormones, and their receptor sites for utilizing these hormones in the facial hair area are not sensitive enough to trigger beard growth (even though women too have the follicles in the face). This is also why some men can’t grow full beards. Either the levels of T and DHT are too low for that, or the receptiveness of the facial hair follicle androgen receptors is not strong enough to properly utilize the hormones for beard growth stimulation. So here’s a simplified explanation of human beard growth:
1. Optimize your Lifestyle To naturally boost beard growth and maximize your facial hair follicle potential, you must start from laying the ground work. And when it comes to any bodily process, one should start from optimizing certain lifestyle factors. You know the daily habits of yours.
To grow a beard faster, you have to dial in your nutrition. Very simply, this means that your diet should cover all the vitamins and minerals necessary to sprout hair from beard follicles, as well as be optimal for the production of beard growth hormones. You may have heard the claims that since hair is basically protein, a diet rich in protein is the way to go… …But actually a diet heavier in carbs and fat, with medium protein is best for the production of DHT and testosterone, and therefore optimal for stimulating beard growth. Consider eating roughly 30% of your calories from fat, 50% from carbs, and the remaining 20% from protein. Not any type of carbs, protein, and fats are good for beard growth hormones:
Many men are looking for that definitive answer to this common question… …”Are there supplements that promote facial hair growth?” THE ANSWER IS YES. There are at least these 10 scientifically proven compounds which stimulate the production of testosterone and DHT, and thus make your beard grow faster at the same time. This includes micronutrients, amino acids, serines, and herbs. These can be found in the Hair Fact Supplements. (And no, I’m not talking about scam-products like Vitabeard or Beardilizer, but actual scientifically proven supplements that affect your hormone production naturally). 4. Minoxidil This is a big one. Minoxidil. Not exactly a supplement, but a prescription free pharmaceutical solution that men use mostly to stimulate the growth on scalp hair. But here’s the kicker. It’s been proven anecdotally to work extremely well for growing a beard too. So if you’re one of those guys wondering… …”How to grow a beard if you can’t grow a beard?” The answer #1 is minoxidil. It works by activating the potassium channels on your hair follicles and allows for increased circulation of nutrients, testosterone, and DHT to the beard follicles, dramatically improving beard growth within 6-12 months. I can’t stress this enough. If you’re looking to stimulate NEW growth on patchy areas, minoxidil (often sold by the name Rogaine or Kirkland), is the way to go. It’s also cheap, easy to use (just apply 1-2ml to facial hair area once or twice per day and let dry), and proven highly effective. Use it with the other tips on this article and I can guarantee majestic facial hair growth within 3-12 months. 5. Microneedling Using a micro-needle (Derma Roller) is a great way to stimulate beard growth. There’s also scientific validity for its effectiveness in stimulating hair growth. The small needless poke tiny holes into the facial hair area, which accomplishes two important things that will overtime help to grow your beard and mustache faster… …In other words, micro-needling promotes beard growth by;
6. Red Light Therapy This is an interesting “body hack”, but there’s scientific evidence that pointing a specific wavelength of red light laser can;
7. Avoid these Common Scams and Myths There are many myths and delirious products pushed to men try to increase facial hair growth rate naturally. One of the most pervasive myths is the “shaving increases facial hair growth” claim, which is utterly false and not at all effective way to stimulate beard or mustache growth. Another common thing is the selling of beard supplements. Most commonly these are just low-quality kitchen-sink multivitamins with huge price tag (like Vitabeard or Beardilizer), they can slightly help (just like normal multivitamin would), but the fact that they’re grossly overpriced and not any different than grocery store multi’s is sickening. Then there are the beard growth oils and beard growth sprays, both of which don’t work at all, they’re mostly just olive oil or some random herbs that do nothing topically. Bottom line: If you want to try shaving to boost beard growth, don’t. If you’re looking for beard supplements, get a good multivitamin and some of these scientifically proven supplements. And instead of buying ineffective oils or sprays, consider making your own “growth oil” with some castor oil, ginger, and chili. Conclusion That’s all you need to know to learn the fastest way to grow a beard, even if you can’t grow facial hair at first!
![]() If you’re losing hair, you’re probably wondering why. Doing research is frustrating and might be confusing with lots of medical terms thrown around you. You might have started to link the presence of something called “DHT” with hair loss. So should you consider DHT when researching your options for treating hair loss? And does laser hair therapy stop the production of DHT? In short, the answer is no. But that actually works to your advantage. And here’s why. What is DHT? DHT is a hormone present in both men and women. Its full name is 5α-dihydrotestosterone. Think of DHT as hair follicle assassins. When your scalp becomes inflamed, DHT rallies up its troops and launches its attack. Disease and hair loss are closely tied together. If you become ill, your body redirects all of its energy towards ensuring your survival: your hair is no longer deemed necessary. In the presence of disease, the DHT Mobsters get released into scalp areas like a swarm of locusts to rampage and cause destruction. The DHT Mobsters don’t need a medical condition to justify their presence. They’ll sneak in however they can– even if it means infiltrating your genes. You could be perfectly healthy and still be suffering from hereditary hair loss. Seeing your relatives struggle with thinning hair could indicate that the same fate awaits you. This is why you should take preventative measures as early as you can. The DHT Mobsters never show mercy: they pour out in vast numbers and stop nutrients from accessing hair cells. Without nutrients, hair cells can’t provide energy to hair follicles. This results in hair miniaturization and in hair loss. Other Hair Growth Treatments and DHT Some hair growth products on the market are advertised as reducing DHT levels. Finasteride, commonly known as Propecia, is prescribed to men as a way to minimize the production of DHT. If trying to control your hormone levels sounds like a bad idea, you’re probably right: there are various side effects associated with taking finasteride, some of which are more harmful than others. Since women have hormone levels that are drastically different from men, women should never take finasteride to combat hair loss. Overall, finasteride does not boost hair growth by much: on average, a man can expect around a 12% hair count increase in a little under a year. What About Laser Hair Therapy? The DHT Mobsters aren’t even acknowledged by a laser therapy device. Rather, laser hair therapy allows you to focus on the right treatment. Since dying hair follicles aren’t getting enough nutrients, laser hair therapy provides lacking energy in the form of laser light and boosts nutrients by increasing blood flow. For your hair, this means you can expect 3 results with a scientifically engineered device:
A past clinical study on laser hair therapy has even reported a 39% hair count increase attained in 4 months. The Theradome Helmet Manufactured and engineered in the U.S., the Theradome helmet penetrates the scalp at a depth of 3 to 5 mm and deposits an optimal amount of energy at the base of hair follicles. This allows hair cells to absorb the energy they need to grow into healthy hair follicles. With a wavelength optimized for hair growth, the Theradome also ensures that new hair is born with a healthier, longer hair growth cycle. So laser light does not directly battle the DHT Mobsters, but rather focuses on restoring hair cells to a healthy state through an alternate pathway. In simpler terms, an effective, 100% natural way of feeding energy to hair follicles is put into place to counter the toxic presence of DHT. ![]() Ladies, we all love having thick, luxurious hair. Our hair is representative of our beauty and femininity, and ultimately makes us feel alive, confident and desirable. This is why hair loss in women can be especially traumatic. While not every woman suffers from hair loss, chances are that we’ve all grown to adopt a specific beauty regimen for our hair, whether that involves going to the salon every month for dying, bleaching, straightening, chemical alterations or replacing our hair extensions. There are tons of other treatments you can request as you sit down in a salon chair, prompting your overzealous hairdresser to hurry over, armed with a flashy smile and the latest gossip. While he may praise every one of his treatments, chances are he probably won’t mention what could potentially go wrong while you become a platinum blond bombshell or achieve long, red-carpet worthy locks of hair that every fairy tale princess is ordained to have. Altering and re-altering our hair without caring for it properly can eventually lead to damage, so yes, we should and must always exercise caution. And we can tell you how. It’s actually not uncommon at all for actresses to suffer from hair loss as a result of over-processing their hair follicles. So what do we mean by damage? Some of us may have experienced it before– dried, dull, brittle hair that can eventually thin out. Harsh chemicals at the salon aren’t the only culprits for thinning hair– research published in the British Journal of Dermatology has shown that traction alopecia can be caused by your gorgeous hair extensions. How? If not cared for properly, the extra weight of extensions, which are glued, braided or weaved in with a woman’s own hair, can add tension to hair follicles. This includes clip-on extensions, which can cause breakage. Are you beginning to see why we emphasized the word caution earlier on? Don’t worry– you can have your cake and eat it too. Keep reading…. Hair extensions have been wildly growing in popularity ever since making their appearance in Hollywood. In reality, having thick, voluminous hair has been a fashionable trend throughout most of history. Although the custom of wearing trendy wigs and headpieces dates all the way back to the antiquity era, a more recent example involves our suffragette sisters of the early twentieth century. Edwardian ladies saved the hair from their brush every night after brushing their locks. This extra hair was then used as filling and stuffed inside their pompadour hairdos to obtain as much oomph as desired. If that wasn’t enough, then a “hair rat” was used: thick padding, made of wool or whatever else, and sometimes attached to other fake hair. A lady’s own hair would then be combed over this so-called “hair rat” and secured properly with pins. Yep, sounds utterly bizarre and also like a lot of work! Every woman’s hair is different, so not everyone can grow great lengths or achieve a rich, luxurious thickness. We no longer save the hair from our brush or stuff our hair with “hair rats”. But whether for the purposes of filming a movie or taking their red-carpet look to the next level, celebrities have been known to go from playfully short to seductively long with the mere snap of a director’s (or stylist’s) fingers. So what are we saying? That we should all skip our plush, lavish salon visits and return to living in the wild as un-groomed primates? Incidentally, primates are known to groom one another, but no, that’s not at all what we’re suggesting. You should neither give up your extensions nor your in-vogue salon aptitudes; you just need to be smart about it. After all, who wants to end up with fried, thin, brittle hair, or worse– with bald spots? There’s a good old saying that goes something like, “prevention is better than cure”. Laser hair therapy is a powerful, revolutionary natural technology that is clinically proven to strengthen hair follicles. Although laser hair therapy is primarily used to treat hair loss, is proven to reduce inflammation and can help with other dermatological scalp issues, superior devices of top-notch quality, such as the Theradome LH80 PRO, are beginning to surface in the cosmetic industry as a beauty accessory for thickening hair and preventing hair loss. More and more women from all age groups are acquiring and using the Theradome routinely, making it as ubiquitous as their hair dryers. Because let’s face it: following the latest fashionable trend– whether that implies straight or curly hair, dark or blond tresses, a short, layered look or a thick, royal mane– could progressively thin out our hair if we’re not careful. Clinical studies in laser hair therapy show that 97% of users experience minimized shedding, new hair growth, and hair shafts that double in size. We really can’t go wrong with that! Not to mention that salon visits can be costly. If attached properly, hair extensions can achieve a beautiful look and if having long, luxurious hair has always been your dream, then by all means– you only live once. While salon visits can cost up to a few hundred dollars, high-quality extensions can total up to much more. Incorporating laser hair therapy with the Theradome LH80 PRO into your weekly beauty regimen can ensure that your own hair, your hair extensions, or your financial investment don’t end up twirling down the drain. Hair is a large part of our identity these days and ensuring that our locks stay thick, lustrous and healthy should definitely stay at the top of our priority list. Conditioners are important, but can only coat the exterior of hair strands for softening and moisturizing purposes. Using Theradome’s powerful laser technology to re-energize the base of your hair follicles will optimize the health of your scalp and, consequentially, the quality of your fabulous tresses. So skip the worries and hair disaster panics! Care for your hair effortlessly with 20-minute Theradome laser hair therapy treatments before blow-drying your healthy, thick, and radiant locks. PRP is an effective non-surgical hair replacement therapy which has found a unique identification in the medical science to assist in the treatment of hair loss. The FDA approved treatment has no side effects. Hair loss experts provide some pre and post dietary and non-dietary recommendations which are essential follow to get the most out of PRP. A Week before PRP
Losing your hair can be devastating experience. Now there is well founded hope for men and women suffering from hair loss and thinning hair. Originally developed and tested in Europe, Laser Hair Therapy is a non-invasive technology that utilizes cool therapeutic low level lasers to treat the appearance of thin, fine, damaged hair Benefits of Laser Hair Therapy While hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, laser hair therapy: • Maintains the appearance of the hair in 85% to 93% of clients • Is effective in both men and women of all ages • Helps achieve fuller, thicker, healthier looking hair • No discomfort or negative side effects • No medications to take • Increase the appearance of the hairs’ volume and strength Laser Caps vs. Laser Comb When it comes to do-it-yourself laser treatments most hair loss clinics recommend purchasing laser caps over laser combs. We reviewed both variants to find out how does the new Laser Cap compares to the well-established Laser Comb products already on the market? The laser comb is getting 40% 1-2 star reviews with many customers complaining they do not see any change. One of the obvious reasons is that people don’t have patience to keep combing hair for 8 or 15 minutes. The time duration can be varied which alternatively doesn’t provide expected results. The comb is used for shorter time sessions, maybe because of the recharging issue. They recommend 7 minutes of combing. Note that each skin area does not get 7 full minutes if the comb is combing and moving. The Laser Cap is the latest breakthrough in power and convenience, using cutting edge technology to offer you a clinical grade laser experience in the comfort of your own home or while on the go. The Laser Cap is the first ever completely portable solution, offering new hope to men and women suffering with thinning, balding and dull hair. The Laser Cap hair treatment program uses 112 to 224 laser diodes, making this device similar to having your own clinical laser. It has a convenient, portable battery pack allowing you the freedom to use it anywhere.
Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, best known as PRP has come up as one of the revolutionary cutting-edge technologies to treat hair loss. The specialist takes a little amount of blood of your own body which is then treated in a centrifuge to get only the enriched cells or platelets (PRP). The growth protein is then injected into bald areas with a special micro needle. This is the introduction of the treatment. People are curious to learn more about this. Therefore, the social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are flooded with many questions related to the treatment.
Let’s find out the hot questions on plasma-rich platelet therapy for hair loss. Hair loss has affected a vast majority of Americans. They are losing not only their precious strands but also confidence and personality. Luckily, the modern science has given the ways to get out of the issue. If the sign of hair loss is fresh, don’t wait long to get the non-surgical treatments. Both PRP and LLLT are one of the latest breakthroughs in hair loss prevention by stimulating hair follicles and using the patient’s own growth factors.
Now, the question tickling to your mind is that can combining LLLT & PRP give better results? Experts agree that combining these two non-surgical hair loss treatments will give more effective results than using a single treatment. Expert of Hair Again Clinic in (Fresno CA) has defined it so accurately by comparing this approach to the approach used in weight loss. It is possible to get rid of extra kilos through dieting and exercise. However, when you combine these two forms of weight loss, the result will be more effective and more quickly. In the same manner, the combination of LLLT & PRP gives satisfactory results. Understanding Genetic Hair Fall
There is an age-old adage that if mom’s family history has hair loss, especially her father, then it can be passed down to her son. If father’s family history has the problem, it could pass to his daughter. These myths are traveling alongside countless other genetic theories on hair loss. Though, it is now cleared that one of the prime reasons of baldness can be genetic. But these genes can be passed to offspring from either parent. The modern science has indicated that genes can contribute baldness but it is still unclear the exact mode of inheritance. It is not just genetics there are multiple other factors resulted in hair fall. These factors are divided into two categories- Internal and External. It is normal to shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. Hair loss occurs when the shedding is disrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and you start noticing hair thinning or bald patches.
Lasers are one of the greatest innovations in the medical science. They are so dynamic and versatile to use for corrective eye procedures, accurate incision, and skin rejuvenation. Lasers are also used for competing functions- some wavelengths for hair growth and others to remove it. It may sound strange, but laser removal therapy and laser hair growth procedure both use laser light for treatment. So, what are the ways they use to achieve a different result or almost an opposite result? Let’s identify the difference between them! Laser Hair Removable The technical term used for laser hair removable is selective photothermal lysis, in short SPTL. The process involves using of mild radiation via high-heat lasers. The purpose is to damage hair follicles enough to significantly lower down the growth of hair. It ceases growth of follicles for a long time. The SPTL technique uses pulses of light generated by diodes and the wavelength is typically in the range of 694 nm to 1,000 nm. According to experts, the treatment works great on people who have both fair skin and dark hair because the procedure targets the pigment, melanin which plays a significant role in giving color to human hair. Although new hairs may still grow, they are finer and lighter in color than before. The treatment is available in many salons. Consider undergoing the therapy under experts because it has some side effects like blisters, inflammation, irritation, swelling, redness etc. Laser Hair Growth The therapy uses “cold” or non-ablative lasers, known as low-level light therapy. It is best known as LLLT. The laser hair therapy is based on photochemistry (chemical effects of light) to stimulate hair cells in the follicle. It helps in increasing blood flow in the scalp and stimulates metabolism in catagen follicles, resulting in the production of anagen hair. The low-level laser is radiated on the balding areas. Light of different wavelengths is absorbed by the outer dermis which accelerates chemical reactions within the cells. The photobiomodulation divides the follicle, thus resulting in long and strong hair growth. Unlike SPTL for hair removable, LLLT for hair growth has no adverse side effects. It is safe to use. The treatment for low-level laser hair therapy lasts 6-12 months with around 45 minutes a session which is twice in a week at least. It also involves evaluation to monitor the progress. Once the growth rate is improved, the clinic recommends a hair growth device to rip the maximum benefits of LLLT. People who find hard to take out some time from their busy schedules to visit the clinic periodically can use the device. It is safe to use because LLLT has no side effect. On the contrary, the hair removable technique can’t be practiced at home because the result is not so effective. Only a skilled and trained laser removal technician adds efficacy to the procedure. About Hair Again
Hair Again is offering low-level laser hair therapy in Fresno, Clovis, Madera, Visalia, Modesto and Merced. The program for this treatment involves 6-12 months with a session of 45 minutes, twice a week. The subject is called up for evaluation from time to time to monitor the progress. The 6-month of LLLT treatment is affordable. The growth improvement is depended on person to person. Some see improvement in just 10 weeks and some in 15 weeks or more. To get the best result, Hair Again guides you at every step. The treatment plan involves guidance for what to eat and what to apply on scalp. Contact Hair Again for more discussion on LLLT. Visit www.fresnohair.com/laser-treatment.html or call on (559) 225-4754to know more about our laser hair replacement therapy. |
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