![]() Ladies, we all love having thick, luxurious hair. Our hair is representative of our beauty and femininity, and ultimately makes us feel alive, confident and desirable. This is why hair loss in women can be especially traumatic. While not every woman suffers from hair loss, chances are that we’ve all grown to adopt a specific beauty regimen for our hair, whether that involves going to the salon every month for dying, bleaching, straightening, chemical alterations or replacing our hair extensions. There are tons of other treatments you can request as you sit down in a salon chair, prompting your overzealous hairdresser to hurry over, armed with a flashy smile and the latest gossip. While he may praise every one of his treatments, chances are he probably won’t mention what could potentially go wrong while you become a platinum blond bombshell or achieve long, red-carpet worthy locks of hair that every fairy tale princess is ordained to have. Altering and re-altering our hair without caring for it properly can eventually lead to damage, so yes, we should and must always exercise caution. And we can tell you how. It’s actually not uncommon at all for actresses to suffer from hair loss as a result of over-processing their hair follicles. So what do we mean by damage? Some of us may have experienced it before– dried, dull, brittle hair that can eventually thin out. Harsh chemicals at the salon aren’t the only culprits for thinning hair– research published in the British Journal of Dermatology has shown that traction alopecia can be caused by your gorgeous hair extensions. How? If not cared for properly, the extra weight of extensions, which are glued, braided or weaved in with a woman’s own hair, can add tension to hair follicles. This includes clip-on extensions, which can cause breakage. Are you beginning to see why we emphasized the word caution earlier on? Don’t worry– you can have your cake and eat it too. Keep reading…. Hair extensions have been wildly growing in popularity ever since making their appearance in Hollywood. In reality, having thick, voluminous hair has been a fashionable trend throughout most of history. Although the custom of wearing trendy wigs and headpieces dates all the way back to the antiquity era, a more recent example involves our suffragette sisters of the early twentieth century. Edwardian ladies saved the hair from their brush every night after brushing their locks. This extra hair was then used as filling and stuffed inside their pompadour hairdos to obtain as much oomph as desired. If that wasn’t enough, then a “hair rat” was used: thick padding, made of wool or whatever else, and sometimes attached to other fake hair. A lady’s own hair would then be combed over this so-called “hair rat” and secured properly with pins. Yep, sounds utterly bizarre and also like a lot of work! Every woman’s hair is different, so not everyone can grow great lengths or achieve a rich, luxurious thickness. We no longer save the hair from our brush or stuff our hair with “hair rats”. But whether for the purposes of filming a movie or taking their red-carpet look to the next level, celebrities have been known to go from playfully short to seductively long with the mere snap of a director’s (or stylist’s) fingers. So what are we saying? That we should all skip our plush, lavish salon visits and return to living in the wild as un-groomed primates? Incidentally, primates are known to groom one another, but no, that’s not at all what we’re suggesting. You should neither give up your extensions nor your in-vogue salon aptitudes; you just need to be smart about it. After all, who wants to end up with fried, thin, brittle hair, or worse– with bald spots? There’s a good old saying that goes something like, “prevention is better than cure”. Laser hair therapy is a powerful, revolutionary natural technology that is clinically proven to strengthen hair follicles. Although laser hair therapy is primarily used to treat hair loss, is proven to reduce inflammation and can help with other dermatological scalp issues, superior devices of top-notch quality, such as the Theradome LH80 PRO, are beginning to surface in the cosmetic industry as a beauty accessory for thickening hair and preventing hair loss. More and more women from all age groups are acquiring and using the Theradome routinely, making it as ubiquitous as their hair dryers. Because let’s face it: following the latest fashionable trend– whether that implies straight or curly hair, dark or blond tresses, a short, layered look or a thick, royal mane– could progressively thin out our hair if we’re not careful. Clinical studies in laser hair therapy show that 97% of users experience minimized shedding, new hair growth, and hair shafts that double in size. We really can’t go wrong with that! Not to mention that salon visits can be costly. If attached properly, hair extensions can achieve a beautiful look and if having long, luxurious hair has always been your dream, then by all means– you only live once. While salon visits can cost up to a few hundred dollars, high-quality extensions can total up to much more. Incorporating laser hair therapy with the Theradome LH80 PRO into your weekly beauty regimen can ensure that your own hair, your hair extensions, or your financial investment don’t end up twirling down the drain. Hair is a large part of our identity these days and ensuring that our locks stay thick, lustrous and healthy should definitely stay at the top of our priority list. Conditioners are important, but can only coat the exterior of hair strands for softening and moisturizing purposes. Using Theradome’s powerful laser technology to re-energize the base of your hair follicles will optimize the health of your scalp and, consequentially, the quality of your fabulous tresses. So skip the worries and hair disaster panics! Care for your hair effortlessly with 20-minute Theradome laser hair therapy treatments before blow-drying your healthy, thick, and radiant locks.
February 2021
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